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To maximize deterrence and detection, FIB’s testing program is based on risk assessment. Briefly, doping control planning is about testing the right athlete at the right time, using the right analysis methods to optimize deterrence and detection. To find athletes for...
The testing numbers presented below refer to tests conducted on FIB’s initiative only. Testing programs are also executed by the relevant National Anti-Doping Organizations of FIB’s member countries. FIB TESTING STATISTICS 2018 Find out more: WADA’s GLOBAL TESTING...
According to FIB’s anti-doping rules, there are several different anti-doping rule violations (ADRV). Any violation found, or suspected, will be followed up by a strict results management process, which also ensures the athlete, or support person, fundamental legal...
FIB’s anti-doping regulations identify 11 different anti-doping rule violations (ADRV). Presence of a prohibited substance. Use or attempted use, of a prohibited substance Evading, refusing or failing to submit to sample collection Whereabouts failures Tampering or...
An athlete or support person charged with a possible anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) has the right to a fair hearing. The hearing process will determine whether an ADRV has been committed, and, if so the appropriate sanction. The process set out here describes the...
In accordance with FIB Anti-Doping Regulations, and in line with World Anti-Doping Code, any athlete or other person who have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) will be publicly disclosed by publishing on this website. Name ADRV Substance/method ...
FIB is committed to maintain the integrity of our sport, provide a level playing field and protect bandy players natural right to participate and compete in a doping-free sport. This commitment also entails certain obligations for individuals involved in bandy. It is...
Prevention always starts with ourselves. If you have not already tested the Anti-Doping Quiz, do it now and find out how much you really know about the doping rules. This simple exercise may help you to find out how you can help both yourself and others. ADEL – the...
Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of bandy. Every time someone steps forward with information about doping, we move closer to a clean sport and a fair playing field for all. We know that coming forward with sensitive information is a big decision –...