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Now the venue for the women’s World Championships in Sweden is decided. The venue will be Åby, which is a small community north of Växjö in Sweden but with its own indoor arena. The tournament was actually planned to play in January in Stockholm but for various...
Veiterä from Lappeenranta won the cup title when the final of the Finnish Cup was played in Porvoo on Thursday, January 6th. Veiterä defeated the defending champion Akilles from Porvoo by 6-5 (3-3) and the deciding goal was made by Esko Liukkonen in extra time in...
Due to various causes, usually covid pandemic, some upcoming tournaments have new dates. To provide clarity, we summarize the upcoming tournaments here. If you click on any of the World Championships tournament you will come to the main page of that tournament and can...
The Federation of International Bandy is now planning for a major premiere for indoor bandy in Finland. The project with an indoor arena in Lappeenranta is rolling on and when the arena is ready, an international inauguration is planned with next year’s 4-nation...
The Women’s World Championship was scheduled to take place January 10-16 in Stockholm and the first world championship for women to be played indoors in the newly built Gubbängen Bandy Arena. The Swedish Bandy Federation has now informed the Federation of...
Leo Segerman has been granted the Finnish honorary title of Liikuntaneuvos The President of Finland Sauli Niinistö has on December 3rd granted Leo Segerman, vice president of the FIB Executice Committee, the Finnish honorary title of Liikuntaneuvos. This is a title...
The World Championship for Y17 Boys to be decided this season will be played later than previously planned. The FIB Technical Committee decided today (November 24) to move the tournament to March 24-26 at the request of the Russian Bandy Federation. The tournament was...
Misja Pashkin takes over as coach of Kazan Ak Bars-Dynamo. Misja Pashkin led Jenisej, who last season became Russian champions after a final victory against Dynamo Moscow 4-2. After that, Pashkin took over the role of head coach for the Swedish elite team AIK, but...
Now it’s time for the premiere round also in the American first division “Elite League”. Mississippi Mojo is the reigning champion after a final victory last season against Tonka Bay Bombers. In the coming season, there are 7 teams in the Elite...