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FIB General Secretary Attila Adamfi met with the President of the Armenian Bandy Federation, Hayk Jaghatspanyan in Yerevan, Armenia. The General Secretary visited the capital for the Weightlifting European Championships that provided the opportunity to personally meet...
Minutes and Annexes from the FIB Congress on March 28 are now available here on the FIB website. You can read the reports from the Executive Committee, Technical Committee, Audit reports etc. TO THE DOCUMENTS!
ORDINARY CONGRESS Place: Elite Stadshotellet, Växjö, Sweden Congress Minutes ANNEXES: Executive Committee Report General Secretary Report Audit Report Internal Audit Report Annual Report Technical Committee Report 2021-2023 Technical Comittee Promotion –...
ORDINARY CONGRESS Place: Helsinki, Finland Minutes Annual report 2020-2021 Annual report 2019-2020
In recent weeks, FIB has prepared new and reworked material for our quest against doping in the world of bandy. Our ambitions can most easily be summarized in 5 points: Although doping has so far been an almost non-existent problem in FIB’s operations, FIB is keen to...
Help us protect the clean athlete and the integrity of sport. Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to clean and fair sport. Any information given will be strictly confidential and seriously taken care of. You are welcome to send...
FIB expects all other Persons to support doping-free bandy and to be aware of these responsibilities and comply with them: To be knowledgeable of and comply with all antidoping rules applicable to them or the Athletes whom they support. To disclose to their National...
FIB expects all athletes to support doping-free bandy and to be aware of these responsibilities and comply with them: To be knowledgeable of and comply with all applicable anti-doping rules. To be available for doping control at all times. To take responsibility, in...
FIB expects all Athlete Support Personnel to support doping-free bandy and to be aware of these responsibilities and comply with them: To be knowledgeable of and comply with all antidoping rules applicable to them or the Athletes whom they support. To cooperate with...