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Happy birthday Mr Pomortsev!

Today, 25 September, the Federation of International Bandy will send congratulations to one of the honorable Presidents who has led the FIB thru the history. Our former President, Albert Pomortsev in Russia, reaches the respectable 85 years of age. Albert Ivanovitj Pomortsev was born on 25 September 1939.

Mr. Pomortsev took over the presidency of FIB in 1997 after Staffan Söderlund, Sweden and led the FIB until 2005 when he handed over the chairmanship to his vice chairman Seppo Vaihela from Sweden who led the business for a short period until 2006. Then Russian Boris Skrynnik became President. A position he held for many years, until 2022.

Mr Pomortsev was also chairman for the Russian Bandy Federation 1992-2009.

During the leadership of Mr Pomortsev FIB was granted a preliminary recognition from the International Olympic Committee IOC, and in August 2004 FIB got a full recognition at the 116th IOC Session held in Athens.

When FIB celebrated it’s 50th anniversary 2005 President Pomortsev said:
-FIB for me is a non-stop process in modernizing the coaching methods, attraction of new Member Nations, searching for national sponsors, coordination of activities among the National Bandy Federations in spirit of the Olympic Charter, pursuing of Anti-Doping Policy in framework of WADA and forming of main principles and tendencies in development of World Bandy.   

The warmest greetings to Albert Pomortsev on his 85th birthday!

Albert Pomortsev to the left, together with two FIB President collegues Staffan Söderlund and Boris Skrynnik. Photo: FIB