Helsinki, Finland, 28 February-3 March
The historic first World Championship in Bandy was played in Helsinki, Finland, 28 February-3 March, 1957. The tournament was held as part of the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Ball Association who organized Finnish football.
On Thursday, February 28, 1957, the first ever World Championship game was played at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. The event was opened by Finland’s President Urho Kekkonen. Finland met Sweden and in the third minute, Finnish center Tauno Timoska scored 1-0. Shortly thereafter, Swedish defender Tore Wikner scored 1-1 on a long shot past Finnish goalkeeper Kalevi Muurinen. Finland won the game 4-3.
In the last game in the tournament USSR won 6-1 against Finland in front of 14,369 spectators at Helsinki Olympic Stadium and became first World Champion.
Finland on the second place in the table and Sweden third.
Anatoly Melnikov, Yuri Shardakov, Anatoly Panin, Alexander Zaitsev, Mikhail Turkkin, Nikolai Fools, Alexander Izmodenov, Mikhail Osintsev, Yevgeny Papugin, Leo Shunin, Gennady Vodyanov, Valentin Atamanichev, Nikolai Durakov
Alpo Aho, Seppo Alatalo, Veikko Allinen, Pauli Heiskanen, Pentti Jokinen, Pekka Kettunen, Martti Kinnunen, Kauko Korpela, Lauri Martti, Kullervo Muurinen, Stig-Göran Myntti, Risto Ovaska, Jonni Pajukari, Veikko Partanen, Arvo Raitavuo, Matti Serenius, Tauno Timoska, Juhani Turpeenniemi
Yngve Palmqvist, Orvar Bergmark, Thorvald Åkerlöf, Tore Wikner, Inge Cahlman, Sven-Åke Erixon, Roy Berglöf, Nils Wikman, Leif Fredblad, Olle Sääw, Gösta Kihlgård, Ove Eidhagen, Kjell Jakobsson, Sune Edling, Jörgen Forslund, Gunnar Jansson, Ivar Kruse, Gunnar Ring
The historic first World Champions from USSR
(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

3 goals
Valentin Atamanychev and Eugene Papugin, USSR and Аlpo Аhо, Finland
2 goals
Tauno Timoska, Finland
1 goal
Tore Wikner, Nils Wikman, Leif Fredblad, Gunnar Jansson and Olle Sääw, Sweden and Leo Shunin and Gennady Vodyanov, USSR
Anatoly Melnikov, USSR
Tore Wikner, Sweden
Nikolai Durakov, USSR
Tauno Timoska, Finland